Fourth consortium meeting

Mid April 2022, the GUARDIAN project team got together in Geneva for the fourth consortium meeting. With the results of Alpha testing with prototype #2, the design and development of prototype #3 were discussed. 

With workshops on business modelling, responsible innovation and design, the results from Alpha testing were translated to a clear focus for prototype 3. The consortium gained a common understanding of the issues experienced by the end-users and created a shared vision for the last prototype of the Guardian project. With a technical and evaluation workshop, we prepared for the process towards beta testing.

During the meeting the focus lied mainly on (1) sharing results of alpha testing, (2) expansion of personalization and the social companionship in Guardian and (3) preparing for beta testing. 

In the 2-day meeting in Geneva, the enthusiasm showed how the team was excited for incorporating all the ideas on improving the Guardian system to be perceived more social and testing it with participants in the different trial sites